LoopixDES Documentation

What is LoopixDES?

LoopixDES is a discrete-event simulator of The Loopix Anonymity System based on the SimPy Python package. The simulator follows a canonical OpenAI Gym Env interface to offer a Reinforcement Learning (RL) challenge. The primary difference is that LoopixDES is a Multi-Objective Optimisation (MOO) problem, unlike classic gym environments.


$ pip install git+https://github.com/mrybok/loopixdes.git#egg=loopixdes

How to use?

The below code demonstrates the most straightforward training loop in the LoopixEnv environment. The agent and buffer code parts present the possible minimal interface that an RL algorithm could follow, assuming standard Replay Buffer for experience replay. However, the showcased agent interface can vary on an optimising algorithm basis. The codebase does not provide the agent or buffer implementation. Instead, it is the user's task to provide such. Here the agent decides how to tweak the system's parameters (i.e. takes action) with the act method. On the other hand, the agent learns from the accumulated experience with the update method.

from loopixdes.env import LoopixEnvfrom loopixdes.util import load_dataset
              agent = Agent()buffer = ReplayBuffer(capacity=int(1e6))traces = load_dataset("path/to/your/dataset.json")env = LoopixEnv()batch_size = 64max_timesteps = 100000episode_length = 2000timesteps_elapsed = 0
              while timesteps_elapsed < max_timesteps:  state = env.reset(seed=0, options={"traces": traces})    # start new simulation
                for _ in range(episode_length):    action = agent.act(state)                              # change Loopix parameters given current state    next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)    buffer.push(state, action, next_state, reward, [done]) # remember the experience / state transition    state = next_state                                     # base the next action on the new state    timesteps_elapsed += 1
                  if len(buffer) >= batch_size:      batch = buffer.sample(batch_size)                    # sample experience and learn from it      agent.update(batch)
                  if done:      break                                                # start a new episode if the current ended  # start new simulation  state = env.reset(seed=0, options={"traces": traces})
                for _ in range(episode_length):    action = agent.act(state) # change Loopix parameters given current state    next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)    # remember the experience / state transition    buffer.push(state, action, next_state, reward, [done])    state = next_state # base the next action on the new state    timesteps_elapsed += 1
                  if len(buffer) >= batch_size:      batch = buffer.sample(batch_size) # sample experience and learn from it      agent.update(batch)
                  if done:      break # start a new episode if the current ended



The first example of using the LoopixEnv is limited as it always uses the default simulator settings. The mix network topology does not change between the episodes. The agent does not optimise the payload packet byte size. The simulation always starts from the first Mail in the dataset traces. For a more difficult challenge, change the above between the episodes to create an optimiser robust across different mixnet sizes.

import numpy as nprng = np.random.RandomState(seed)...
              while timesteps_elapsed < max_timesteps:  # start the next simulation from random mail in the dataset  episode_traces = traces[rng.randint(0, len(traces)):]  time_offset = traces[0].time
                # make the sending times relative to start of the simulation  for mail in episode_traces:    mail.time -= time_offset
                options = {    "traces": episode_traces,    "init_timestamp": init_timestamp + time_offset,    "num_layers": rng.randint(2, 21), # change number of layers for next run    "plaintext_size": ..., # set / optimise the byte packet size here  }
                state = env.reset(seed=0, options=options)
                for _ in range(episode_length):    action = agent.act(state)    ...




Marcin Rybok


The University of Edinburgh